8 Lessons You Will Learn Only When You Have Money
Money changes people but are they not supposed to change?
It is true, money changes people but still someone did not work that hard to earn their money and success to stay the same. Are they not supposed to change? People change for the better and let go of what no longer serves them.
It takes having all the money you need to truly understand what money can do and what it cannot do. Money is important. Actually very important that it can solve all money problems.
When you get money, there are some things that you will find your life adjusting to. Poor people think money changes people but money rarely changes someone who worked their way up to get it. They just adjust to the demands of their newfound fortune.
Here are 8 lessons that you will only learn when you have money;
1. You cannot afford to feel everyone’s pain
When you become rich, people will seek you out and ask you for money all the time. But, you will not afford to address and feel everyone’s pain or else you will run emotionally devastated and broke.
It is needed for you to be hard on other people’s troubles especially those to whom you have no connection. Every one of us has 3 kinds of people in our lives. People we care about, people who can do something for us, and then everyone else. That is the same for the rich.
When you become rich, many of your issues will not go away. You will still have bills to pay, a family to take care of, taxes to pay and a life to live. You will have enough concerns of your own nor will you ever have the capacity to solve all the problems in the world.
The goal is not to be mean. It is to make sure you be specific on who and what exactly you spend your money on. It will not be everyone nor donate to every charity that crosses your way and mind.
2. You still need to save money
It is really hard to find a rich person who does not know how to negotiate so they can save a dollar.
Having money in the bank does not mean you will not have and need to save money. You will still want to bargain the best deal so you can save the most money.
You will still need to use money-saving apps and also use coupons if they are available. You will not always live up to people’s expectations. Poor people think if you have money, you just have to spend it on whatever comes screaming.
3. You will expect to be accommodated and held with higher regard than everyone else.
When you get rich, you will be able to bend so many rules. Some even go overboard in a quest of being accommodated.
When you become rich, you will want what you want and expect it to be given because you can afford it and deserve it. It does not matter if it is complicated or impossible, you will rarely take in excuses.
4. You still have to work hard.
Accumulating a lot of money does not mean no more hard work. You will still need to work as hard though not as much as how you did before becoming rich. But work will still be there.
You will have to expand the business that earned you your fortune. At least start a new one if you exited the first one. You will still need to watch over your money and figure out new ways to make money.
When you become rich, it is then that you will understand how harder it is to keep money than make it. You will need to have more self-control and work harder to ensure your found fortune does not fly you.
5. Fast is more important than free
You will value time like never before. You will need things to happen fast for you and your patience penchant on controllable things will become low.
You will not want to wait on people who are less motivated in their work or don’t know what they are doing to delay you.
Time is not money and it will never be. But, until your earnings are dependent on time, you will not value time. If you become rich, you will realize what more you can gain if you spend time wisely. This is why the rich spend their time reading and talking about ideas not people.
6. You will not want to hear problems but solutions.
You will not want to hear complaints and whines. All you will want to hear are solutions and exciting ideas. That is if you even need them from anyone.
You will have no room for lack of motivation because you know motivation comes from within and that is why you have what many others do not have money. This is why the rich are always positive and motivated. They rarely have the word impossible in their vocabulary. They know a lot can be possible if done right.
7. You will hardly take a No
Whenever you ask, you will always want a Yes. A No will rarely be an option in your books.
You will be more focused on working out what the blocker is than taking a No. This is a great distinction between poor people and rich people. You always want to know why? So that you can work out the hurdle bringing about a NO and get it out of the way.
Not wanting to take a No is not necessarily ego or pride. If you go on to ask why and focus on getting the blocker out of the way, why can’t a No be a Yes?
One of the reasons successful people are even successful is that they rarely accepted a no for an answer when they came calling. If there’s a problem standing in the way, they figure out a solution because they know had they stopped every time they got a no, they’d never have gotten to success.
8. You will spend money to save, to make more money.
First, rich people have employees whom they pay salaries. How can a broke person afford to pay an employee? Having employees is a money and time-saving path for rich people.
Second, you will buy quality goods that last longer because you can afford the high price, not the mental breakdown of buying cheap but fake products. Many times when people buy cheap, they always buy twice. The saying cheap things are expensive is true.
Third, you will have options that a breakdown of one does not stop you from going forward to secure the bag. Imagine you have a business deal you are securing online and hydro-electric power goes off. You will likely lose the deal. But if you had a solar installed or standby generator, nothing would be halted.
Of many of these lessons, a poor person may not be on good terms with them. They will think and see them as rich people having pride, are mean, greedy, or full of ego. But, rich people who worked their way up are one of the most disciplined people. They know when to do what and why to do it. They are one of the most humble people because they know money hates ego and pride!
If you have money and ego, chances are high that you will always lose money through unnecessary spending. If you have ego and pride but broke, chances are high that you will keep being broke. There is a very thick line between ego and self-worth.
If you are the kind of a person who loves to read good books that will not only influence your today and future but also your future generation, we have some such books. Please get yourself a copy of Dad Daughter book (It has 200 life lessons every father must teach his daughter), The Lifetime Treasure Book (It will teach the 18 skills that payoff forever but school will not teach you), or Dad Son book (It has 200 life lessons every father must teach his son). Thank you.
This article was originally published at malidad.com https://www.malidad.com/article/lessons-you-will-learn-only-when-you-have-money-167