We believe knowledge is not power but knowledge acted upon and shared is power.

We understand the necessity of knowledge in effecting change, and much as to the world, not everyone will find malidad.com as useful, yet to you that's looking for inspiration, advice, or insight from people that have been through the journey you want to start or already set in for, this is for you.

Because not all knowledge is permissible, we choose to be a bank of information that is focused on giving you a holistic diet. To one that is looking forward to living a life of definite choices made towards achieving their lifelong dreams, MALIDAD has you on mind.

We put together all information to aid your growth and development into a person you will always be proud of. We are about unlocking your productive side and giving you an edge over the rest out there and that says more of who we are and what we stand for.

We are MALIDAD.COM, a web platform that inspires your Relief, Growth, Motivation and Education through Insightful Content about Money, Careers, Business, Morals and Parenting, Life, Love & Relationships. We happen to educate minds and inspire souls.




Book Author

3 Times Author of Dad Daughter, Dad Son and The Lifetime Treasure books.